
Real name: Geoffrey Barron
First appearance: Outsiders #1 vol. 2, November 1993
Occupation: inventor
Hair color: white
Eye color: ?

An inventor and businessman, Geoffrey Barron came to Markovia to sell his battle armor, the Technocrat 2000, the latest in personal defense gear developments. Barron was accompanied by his bodyguard Charlie Wylde.

During their stay in Markovia, the Outsiders were framed for the murder of Markovia's Queen Ilona. Barron and Wylde were forced to flee into the woods alongside with the Outsiders. While in the woods the pair were attacked by a wild bear. The bear mortally wounded Wylde, and in order to save Wylde's life, Faust, who arrived on the scene to help them, fused both Wylde and the bear into a huge amalgam, a werebear.

Geoffrey Barron wound up having to put on the Technocrat 2000 suit in order to defend himself. Barron and the newly mutated Wylde joined the Outsiders in their attempt to clear their names. Geoffrey offered the team his home in Switzerland as a safe haven. Unbeknownst to Geoffrey, his ex-wife Marissa had paid the assassin known as Sanction to assassinate him. It turns out Sanction is known to Wylde and Barron as Ryer, an associate of the CIA. As Barron understands it, Ryer was punished by the CIA for blatantly advertising a drug-dealing side venture. Ryer himself believes that Barron abandoned him in Angola. Sanction's first defeat comes when Katana disrupts his systems with her sword.

At one point, Technocrat assists in defending the alien planet Nekrome from the supernatural threat of Eclipso. This ends with his armor being upgraded with alien technology.

The Outsiders barely made it back to Gotham City before clearing their names. Shortly after their homecoming, Sanction the assassin kills both Marissa Barron and Halo. The trauma of this death forced the Aurakle inside of Halo to jump into Marissa's body. After this, Geoffrey found it difficult to separate his feelings for his wife from Halo's physical body. Barron began to fall in love with the Aurakle, but Halo had her own designs on their teammate, Faust.

When the Outsiders split into two teams for a time, Technocrat joined the team with Geo-Force and Katana so as to distance himself from Halo. At one point Geo-Force tried unsuccessfully to arrange a date between Geoffrey and Katana. The two halves of the team eventually rejoined and Technocrat remained with them through the end of their recorded adventures. Technocrat loses Wylde to the plans of Felix Faust. Technocrat was last seen in attendance at Geo-Force's wedding.

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